Pastors, preachers, and spouses attended the Education Night hosted at the Evening Baptist Ministers Conference Of Philadelphia and Vicinity. It was a blessed time of devotion, business, education, and worship.
Rev. Dennis L. Marshall was the guest presenter. He encouraged the attendees to get involved during his presentation on, "Technology and the Busy Pastor." After describing some common challenges of pastoring, he gave illustrations on how technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help pastors be more effective. One example involved using ChatGPT, an AI platform, to design a sermon on John 3:16 (see the below downloadable PDF). Also, he offered thoughts and warnings on potential ethics conerns. He closed with encouraging everyone to get involved, because our AI interactions help to inform the technology. Doing so, will help to instill Christian values in AI solutions.
After a transition hymn, Rev. Marshall preach on, "Standing On The Razor's Edge." He explained the meaning of Hebrews 4:11-12, and then spoke on the difficulty of standing firm with preaching and teaching the Word. Truly God's Word is swift, powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword. Standing on its edge, takes the power of God and oftentimes come with scrapes and cuts. Truly, the Word of God reveals all human fraility, includings those of preachers. During his sermon, Rev. Marshall indicated what portions resulted from AI input. This was a powerful example of how AI can enhance a sermon. The participants' feedback during the sermon and afterwards were very positive. A copy of the presentation appears below as a PDF document.