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3-P's FUNtastic Journey Book Series

Fun, instructional series to nurture young learners, Grades 3 - 5.

Get your copy of the Passion, Pursuit, and Purpose books. You can order individual books, but the power is released in the 3-book series. Preorder the complete set to save. The set best helps the learner develop a deeper sense of direction and self-esteem.

Puzzles, coloring pages, scrambled words, inspiration, and more. Pre-order today.


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The Challenge...
Headwinds and Setbacks

YOUTH - according to Inforkara Research, most adolesents suffer from:

  1. Depression symptoms
  2. Persistent sadness
  3. Falling academic performance
  4. Lack of interest

PASTORS - according to Barna.org survey,

  1. "37% of pastors have a medium to high risk of BURNOUT,
  2. 43% medium to high risk of RELATIONAL BREAKDOWN,
  3. 66% have a medium to high risk of SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS."

SUPPORTERS - desiring to help, but...

  1. Unsure how to interpret your observation and degree of uneasiness
  2. Concerned the issue may be too sensitve and want a 3rd party perspective
  3. Undecided on how to best approach the matter 

We minister to three groups

Which one are you?

Direction and Impact
Recovery and Excellence
Advocacy and Provision